"The Fightin' Side of Me" - Merle Haggard (1968/69)
I hear people talkin' bad About the way we have to live here in this country Harpin' on the wars we fight An' gripin' 'bout the way things ought to be.
And I don't mind 'em switchin' sides and Standin' up for things they believe in When they're runnin' down my country, man They're walking on the fighin' side of me!
Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me Runnin' down the way of life Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin' If you're runnin' down my country man You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me!
I read about some squirrelly guy Who claims, he just don't believe in fightin' And I wonder just how long The rest of us can count on bein' free.
They love our milk and honey But they preach about some other way of livin' When they're runnin down my country, hoss They're walkin' on the fightin' side of me!
Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me Runnin' down our way of life Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep
Hello everyone, my name is Crystal P. and of course I am in Eng. 102 and majoring in Nursing. It was kinda hard for me to take apart this song, without hearing the music, but I think Merle Haggard is singing about how people omplain about the war and what the war is about and how things should or should not be done concerning the war. im not sure what he means by switchin sides. But in the same instance I think maybe he is talking about, that some have no respect for our country even though some have fought for our freedom, some just don't care enough about our freedom or our country. I think this song is pro-war. These are just some first ideals I had about the song, look forward to seeing what you guys think. Crystal P.
Hello all, I am Felix C., student an JCC , currently I am studying to become a Nurse. I am a veteran of Bosnia and Iraq so those experiences may affect my view of song lyrics from the Vietnam era. My opinion of this piece is that Mr. Haggard was trying to explain to others the importance of supporting the men and women fighting the war from the political machine that sent them there. “They love our milk and honey” meaning that the antagonists enjoy the rights provided by the man whom shoulders they stand on but, work so hard to undermine the sacrifice of those whom serve. Further empowered by the war to act against it, only the men fighting are the ones whom ensure their ability to do so without impediment. So as Mr. Haggard said “If you don't love it, leave it”.
I think this song is about the people who do not believe in war and look down upon the people that go to war, when in reality, if we did not fight the wars we may not be the country we are today. This song is basically saying if you do not like the way America is, then leave it. People are fighting for your freedom and keeping the world a safer place to be. People have even died for our countries freedom, this song just wants you to show respect to America and wants you to realise sacrifices have to be made in order to keep living the way we do.
Hey what’s up, How’s it going? The name is Brad B. This is my third semester at JCTC and currently majoring in nursing, that is as long as I can get past anatomy!! Furthermore, about the song “The fightin’ Side of Me” by Merle Haggard, what I acknowledged from the lyrics, starting off resembled the author talking about people running down this country, its true if you don’t like it then get out. Yeah our soldiers do fight for or freedom, however I believe that sometimes its just not or fight, how many soldiers and families have to be destroyed before we understand it. I have the utmost respect torwards any soldier, police officer, fireman, etc. That’s why we are still here today. To me I wonder if this song is talking about the people running down this country is really talking about how it is being governed? This is what I think about the song. Love to hear what you think.
Hello everyone, Hey this is Brad B again. First of all, I have read everyone’s comment that they have made and it seems like we are all on the same page of what Mr. Haggard point of the song was, which was that if you don’t like this country, then you know where the door is! After listening to clips of the music, it seems like I have a better understanding of what Mr. Haggard was talking about. In his clip it shows images of people holding signs of no more President Bush, in addition I will strongly have to agree with that. So I guess that answers my question on “If the people that are running down this country are actually talking about how it is being governed?” I believe that the people who are talking bad about this country should be upset at where we are today. Furthermore, I would like to direct this about Felix C. I hope I didn’t offend you anyway about the way I feel about the situation of the War, like I said I have great respect for you and of what u have done for me and this country. I think that you said it best when stating “the antagonists enjoy the rights provided by the man whom shoulders they stand on but, work so hard to undermine the sacrifice of those whom serve.” You was right on point there and I would have to agree with you. Thanks for reading my comments. Would like to see if you agree or disagree with me. Brad B.
Wow, I’m very surprised to find we are pretty much on the same page. First Id like to say, I take no offence to anyone’s comments. I often times don’t understand some peoples inability to separate the politics from the war fighter but I have not found that to be the case in our discussion. A troop fulfilling his/her sworn duty to follow the orders of those appointed over them is honorable. Making your grievances against the governing body of our nation is also honorable and protected speech under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. Essentially Brad B you helped me to realize that Mr Haggard isn’t saying “leave it” if you disagree with the government but he is expressing his dislike for those unable to separate the troop’s from the politicians whom sent them. Additionally, folks need to respect those that serve and sacrifice so much so that other don’t need to ever feel or see the ravages of war, leaving indelible marks on the souls of those whom fight our nations battles. Many of my friends did not support the purposes of the war in Iraq and a few of them didn’t come home. When push came to shove their commitment to the country and their fellow soldiers exceeded the need for their own personal safety. That is the American way standing together even if we don’t always agree with each other.
“And I don't mind 'em switchin' sides and Standin' up for things they believe”
Hello everyone I just got a chance to read everyone comments and I agree that now I too have a better understanding of what this song meant. I believe the song does talk about more than just war its talking about our government and how bush is running it into the ground and i agree on how many more lives have to be taken before we realize that maybe we are fighting a war for someone else or should i say fighting a war for the wrong reason. Well hopefully our new president-elect Obama will make the changes necessary for our country.And to Felix, I totally understand your views because my husband is a veteran, having served 13 years before leaving the bullshit behind him. Having first hand knowledge of war makes your opinion so different from other people views.
I'm a little confused on what this song has to do with our 2008 election cycle and how the POTUS George Bush ran the Vietnam war into the ground. He was not the president at the time of the Vietnam War, during which this song was written. Senator Obama was not involved in the issues of the Vietnam War. I fail to see how your comments a relative to the discussion of this song. I am happy for you that you have had a moment to gloat, but lets get back on track with the discussion. I will just assume that you trolling of this project is with good intention. I could go on and explain how the housing crisis is directly related to Bill Clinton and his “everyone own a home” initiative. Additionally don't feel sorry for me I spent 11 years in the military. Its wasn't “bullshit” to me. I loved every moment of it. Yes the hours where long and months away from home where difficult but I learned that I'm a tough SOB that can handle anything thrown at me. I served with some of the greatest people of this nation, those whom put there countries needs( your needs) ahead of themselves. They scarified everything and where happy to do it because they loved and still love their country. To be honest with you if I was still able my butt would be in Iraq right now contributing to the effort!
the above link is a music video from Green day. It about a Marine whom is preparing to go to Iraq. His struggles and his girlfriends struggles to accept the enlistment and the subsequent deployment. Green day attempts to paint a picture of a proud and heroic Marine whom is fighting no only for his country but for a better way of life for his family. In the context of with so much of Hollywood and the entertainment industry being so anti-war and anti-Soldier I.t's important to see that they attempt to separate the soldier form the politics and highlight how and why American war fighters continue to enlist and deploy for such an unpopular war.
Hello all, this is Brad B for the final time, I have just read everyone’s second comments on what we believe Mr. Haggard was saying in this song. First of all I would like to thank Felix C for his comments that helped me understand the deeper meaning of the war. I understand that all of the soldiers are doing what they are told to do. In addition I would like to say that I am glad Crystal P believes in Obama and that he is ready to bring change into this country. Consequently, I believe that crystals idea about Obama and the government was related to the song because I brought up the point about how the people that are bringing down this country was talking about the government and how they were ruining our country. Here is a song by linkin park to their tribute to the war in Iraq. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pReVIznraDk&feature=related In conclusion, I believe that this song relates to Mr. Haggard song in a way because its talking about fighting for our country, and all the women and men that has died for us.
Hello everyone, my name is Jake and I am a student at JCC. I am majoring in psych and hoping to one day be a doctor. I think that most everyone has the same thoughts about this song as I do. I think the main message is, it's fine to disagree with what the country is doing but you don't start talking bad about the country. My favorite part that really is a reflection of my own beliefs is "...I don't mind em' switchin' sides and Standin' up for things they believe in..." I have the same thoughts. It’s fine if you don’t agree but that doesn't mean you attack the moral fiber of the country. Haggard is just a good ol' boy that was mad about how his country was acting, and wanted to let everyone know. I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts and feelings on the subject.
Hello again everyone,well after reading everyones comments I think that Brad has some of my same thoughts. I do not think that this song is so much about the war itself or really support for or against it. I think that it is more so about government and how people elect these officials and then they immediately start talking about how they are ruining the country. I also think that Felix is dead on, I appreciate the first hand perspective of a soldier. I can especially appreciate this due to the fact that I am the son of a Colonel in the Army, and my dad is always talking about how some folks get it and some folks just don't. They want all the rights and freedoms but they do not like that you have to fight for it. So they then denounce the military and government that controls them. What do you guys think?
Hello once more group, I think that for the good and bad we all stayed right on track with our thoughts. We all kinda repeated ourselves. It is my belief that we did a good job of finding the underlying anti-governing mood of the song, not just the obvious anti-war cry. I think that 3 Doors Down gives a powerful and very relative perspective on the heart and mind of a soldier. They show our men and women as more than just warriors but they are more than just mindless warriors for a man in the oval office. The link is listed below tell me what you guys think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJRthpxDM10
"The Fightin' Side of Me" - Merle Haggard (1968/69)
I hear people talkin' bad
About the way we have to live here in this country
Harpin' on the wars we fight
An' gripin' 'bout the way things ought to be.
And I don't mind 'em switchin' sides and
Standin' up for things they believe in
When they're runnin' down my country, man
They're walking on the fighin' side of me!
Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me
Runnin' down the way of life
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it
Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin'
If you're runnin' down my country man
You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me!
I read about some squirrelly guy
Who claims, he just don't believe in fightin'
And I wonder just how long
The rest of us can count on bein' free.
They love our milk and honey
But they preach about some other way of livin'
When they're runnin down my country, hoss
They're walkin' on the fightin' side of me!
Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me
Runnin' down our way of life
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep
Hello everyone, my name is Crystal P. and of course I am in Eng. 102 and majoring in Nursing. It was kinda hard for me to take apart this song, without hearing the music, but I think Merle Haggard is singing about how people omplain about the war and what the war is about and how things should or should not be done concerning the war. im not sure what he means by switchin sides. But in the same instance I think maybe he is talking about, that some have no respect for our country even though some have fought for our freedom, some just don't care enough about our freedom or our country. I think this song is pro-war. These are just some first ideals I had about the song, look forward to seeing what you guys think. Crystal P.
Hello all,
I am Felix C., student an JCC , currently I am studying to become a Nurse. I am a veteran of Bosnia and Iraq so those experiences may affect my view of song lyrics from the Vietnam era. My opinion of this piece is that Mr. Haggard was trying to explain to others the importance of supporting the men and women fighting the war from the political machine that sent them there. “They love our milk and honey” meaning that the antagonists enjoy the rights provided by the man whom shoulders they stand on but, work so hard to undermine the sacrifice of those whom serve. Further empowered by the war to act against it, only the men fighting are the ones whom ensure their ability to do so without impediment. So as Mr. Haggard said “If you don't love it, leave it”.
Felix C.
I think this song is about the people who do not believe in war and look down upon the people that go to war, when in reality, if we did not fight the wars we may not be the country we are today. This song is basically saying if you do not like the way America is, then leave it. People are fighting for your freedom and keeping the world a safer place to be. People have even died for our countries freedom, this song just wants you to show respect to America and wants you to realise sacrifices have to be made in order to keep living the way we do.
Brad R.
Hey what’s up,
How’s it going? The name is Brad B. This is my third semester at JCTC and currently majoring in nursing, that is as long as I can get past anatomy!! Furthermore, about the song “The fightin’ Side of Me” by Merle Haggard, what I acknowledged from the lyrics, starting off resembled the author talking about people running down this country, its true if you don’t like it then get out. Yeah our soldiers do fight for or freedom, however I believe that sometimes its just not or fight, how many soldiers and families have to be destroyed before we understand it. I have the utmost respect torwards any soldier, police officer, fireman, etc. That’s why we are still here today. To me I wonder if this song is talking about the people running down this country is really talking about how it is being governed? This is what I think about the song. Love to hear what you think.
Brad B.
Hello everyone,
Hey this is Brad B again. First of all, I have read everyone’s comment that they have made and it seems like we are all on the same page of what Mr. Haggard point of the song was, which was that if you don’t like this country, then you know where the door is! After listening to clips of the music, it seems like I have a better understanding of what Mr. Haggard was talking about. In his clip it shows images of people holding signs of no more President Bush, in addition I will strongly have to agree with that. So I guess that answers my question on “If the people that are running down this country are actually talking about how it is being governed?” I believe that the people who are talking bad about this country should be upset at where we are today.
Furthermore, I would like to direct this about Felix C. I hope I didn’t offend you anyway about the way I feel about the situation of the War, like I said I have great respect for you and of what u have done for me and this country. I think that you said it best when stating “the antagonists enjoy the rights provided by the man whom shoulders they stand on but, work so hard to undermine the sacrifice of those whom serve.” You was right on point there and I would have to agree with you. Thanks for reading my comments. Would like to see if you agree or disagree with me.
Brad B.
Wow, I’m very surprised to find we are pretty much on the same page. First Id like to say, I take no offence to anyone’s comments. I often times don’t understand some peoples inability to separate the politics from the war fighter but I have not found that to be the case in our discussion. A troop fulfilling his/her sworn duty to follow the orders of those appointed over them is honorable. Making your grievances against the governing body of our nation is also honorable and protected speech under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. Essentially Brad B you helped me to realize that Mr Haggard isn’t saying “leave it” if you disagree with the government but he is expressing his dislike for those unable to separate the troop’s from the politicians whom sent them. Additionally, folks need to respect those that serve and sacrifice so much so that other don’t need to ever feel or see the ravages of war, leaving indelible marks on the souls of those whom fight our nations battles. Many of my friends did not support the purposes of the war in Iraq and a few of them didn’t come home. When push came to shove their commitment to the country and their fellow soldiers exceeded the need for their own personal safety. That is the American way standing together even if we don’t always agree with each other.
“And I don't mind 'em switchin' sides and
Standin' up for things they believe”
Felix C.
Hello everyone I just got a chance to read everyone comments and I agree that now I too have a better understanding of what this song meant. I believe the song does talk about more than just war its talking about our government and how bush is running it into the ground and i agree on how many more lives have to be taken before we realize that maybe we are fighting a war for someone else or should i say fighting a war for the wrong reason. Well hopefully our new president-elect Obama will make the changes necessary for our country.And to Felix, I totally understand your views because my husband is a veteran, having served 13 years before leaving the bullshit behind him. Having first hand knowledge of war makes your opinion so different from other people views.
Crystal P.
Posted 6 November 2008
Crystal P,
I'm a little confused on what this song has to do with our 2008 election cycle and how the POTUS George Bush ran the Vietnam war into the ground. He was not the president at the time of the Vietnam War, during which this song was written. Senator Obama was not involved in the issues of the Vietnam War. I fail to see how your comments a relative to the discussion of this song. I am happy for you that you have had a moment to gloat, but lets get back on track with the discussion. I will just assume that you trolling of this project is with good intention. I could go on and explain how the housing crisis is directly related to Bill Clinton and his “everyone own a home” initiative.
Additionally don't feel sorry for me I spent 11 years in the military. Its wasn't “bullshit” to me. I loved every moment of it. Yes the hours where long and months away from home where difficult but I learned that I'm a tough SOB that can handle anything thrown at me. I served with some of the greatest people of this nation, those whom put there countries needs( your needs) ahead of themselves. They scarified everything and where happy to do it because they loved and still love their country. To be honest with you if I was still able my butt would be in Iraq right now contributing to the effort!
the above link is a music video from Green day. It about a Marine whom is preparing to go to Iraq. His struggles and his girlfriends struggles to accept the enlistment and the subsequent deployment. Green day attempts to paint a picture of a proud and heroic Marine whom is fighting no only for his country but for a better way of life for his family. In the context of with so much of Hollywood and the entertainment industry being so anti-war and anti-Soldier I.t's important to see that they attempt to separate the soldier form the politics and highlight how and why American war fighters continue to enlist and deploy for such an unpopular war.
The above was pasted by Felix C.
Hello all, this is Brad B for the final time, I have just read everyone’s second comments on what we believe Mr. Haggard was saying in this song. First of all I would like to thank Felix C for his comments that helped me understand the deeper meaning of the war. I understand that all of the soldiers are doing what they are told to do. In addition I would like to say that I am glad Crystal P believes in Obama and that he is ready to bring change into this country. Consequently, I believe that crystals idea about Obama and the government was related to the song because I brought up the point about how the people that are bringing down this country was talking about the government and how they were ruining our country.
Here is a song by linkin park to their tribute to the war in Iraq.
In conclusion, I believe that this song relates to Mr. Haggard song in a way because its talking about fighting for our country, and all the women and men that has died for us.
Thank you all!!
Hello everyone, my name is Jake and I am a student at JCC. I am majoring in psych and hoping to one day be a doctor. I think that most everyone has the same thoughts about this song as I do. I think the main message is, it's fine to disagree with what the country is doing but you don't start talking bad about the country. My favorite part that really is a reflection of my own beliefs is "...I don't mind em' switchin' sides and Standin' up for things they believe in..." I have the same thoughts. It’s fine if you don’t agree but that doesn't mean you attack the moral fiber of the country. Haggard is just a good ol' boy that was mad about how his country was acting, and wanted to let everyone know. I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts and feelings on the subject.
Jake D.
Hello again everyone,well after reading everyones comments I think that Brad has some of my same thoughts. I do not think that this song is so much about the war itself or really support for or against it. I think that it is more so about government and how people elect these officials and then they immediately start talking about how they are ruining the country. I also think that Felix is dead on, I appreciate the first hand perspective of a soldier. I can especially appreciate this due to the fact that I am the son of a Colonel in the Army, and my dad is always talking about how some folks get it and some folks just don't. They want all the rights and freedoms but they do not like that you have to fight for it. So they then denounce the military and government that controls them. What do you guys think?
The above is from Jake D.
Hello once more group, I think that for the good and bad we all stayed right on track with our thoughts. We all kinda repeated ourselves. It is my belief that we did a good job of finding the underlying anti-governing mood of the song, not just the obvious anti-war cry. I think that 3 Doors Down gives a powerful and very relative perspective on the heart and mind of a soldier. They show our men and women as more than just warriors but they are more than just mindless warriors for a man in the oval office. The link is listed below tell me what you guys think.
I'm a duffus, The above was posted by Jake D.
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